Our Purpose


Bible Baptist College was established to provide an environment for the personal, spiritual and academic growth of men and women who are preparing for Christian ministries.



Bethel strives to cultivate the total life of the student – spiritual, academic, social, and physical – to become a mature, well-balanced Christian, vitally interested in winning the lost to Christ and serving the local church to help lead fellow believers to Christian maturity.

Some of the specific objectives of the college are:

  • To prepare the student for a lifetime of profitable Bible study by equipping him with the necessary educational tools of thorough systematized Bible knowledge, broad general education in the basic areas of human knowledge and self-discipline.
  • To lead the student into a life of complete devotion to the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as a life of complete dependence upon the indwelling Holy Spirit for spiritual maturity and vocational guidance.
  • To enable the student to express the message of God by word and life.
  • To train the student for specialized fields of Christian ministry.


Solidly Biblical - The Bible is the heart and core of every educational program at Bethel Baptist College. Each year every faculty member certifies in writing his wholehearted acceptance of the Bible as being the verbally inspired, authoritative Word of God.


Separated - A Bible college should have no embarrassing ties which would keep its faculty from exposing apostasy, heresy, or sin. Bethel Baptist College is free from all entangling alliances. It is a local New Testament Church College. It stands separated by God from worldliness, whether in personal behavior or in "world church" programs.

A Friend of Bible-Believing Churches - Bethel Baptist College stands with all who love Christ and preach His Word. The college welcomes any qualified individual who desires its distinctively Biblical training. The attitude throughout the college is non-sectarian. 

Dispensational - Bethel Baptist College teachers view the Scriptures from a moderate dispensational position, in contrast to the extremes on either side: covenant theology or Bullingerism, or other forms of ultra-dispensationalism.

Pre-millennial - As indicated in the doctrinal statement, the college believes in and teaches the imminent, pre-millennial return of Christ. 

Evangelistic - The college seeks to teach the spirit of evangelism and soul-winning into the whole college family. Every student, teacher, and worker is expected to be effective for Christ. This involves a strong emphasis on evangelism in the classroom, and personal application. 

Non-Charismatic - Bethel Baptist College does not foster, teach, or provide a hospitable atmosphere for the tongues movement. The college position is clear. Tongues is not a part of our ministry, nor is it beneficial or necessary to our Christian life. It is neither sought nor encouraged. We are non-charismatic. 

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