From the President


Dear Prospective Student,

I am grateful for your interest in Bible Baptist College and for your desire to train for the Master’s service. My prayer is that we may be able to help and to have a part in that training.

We realize that BBC is not for everyone, but our goal is to reach those who are serious about studying God’s Word and having a successful ministry for Christ.

We are excited about our school and the future of our school. We are here to please the Lord. Obviously, you have great concern in your heart to be used of God, to fulfill God’s purposes in and through your life, “Well done thou good and faithful servant,” is what you desire to hear when you meet God one day.

Our theme is “Training Servants for the Saviour” and we would sure like for you to come and visit BBC and prayerfully consider attending BBC. We have a tremendous staff with several pastors who teach in our college with many years of experience.

Advantages of Bible Baptist College is that you are not just a number, it is very affordable, and it is on the field training. You will learn in the classroom, but you will also learn as we serve the Lord together in Bible Baptist Church.

I know that if God is calling you into the ministry that you desire to get training to prepare you for the will of God. I too was called later in life and it was very difficult to make that commitment to go to college. But I finally made the decision and came to Bethel Baptist College and in my 30’s I graduated. Now I’ve been a pastor here for 17 years.

Don’t hesitate to get the training you desperately need to accomplish God’s will for your life.

Could I challenge you if you are a young person and you are not sure of God’s direction for your life, to give Bethel Baptist College one year of your life? I ask you to seek God’s will and plan where you will have purpose and meaning in your life in the will of God.

We would count it a real joy if you would visit our campus as soon as possible.

Special emphasis is placed on an atmosphere at Bethel in which your spiritual convictions can be matured and your Christian character can be molded. The daily study of God’s Word and an ongoing association with faculty and students will have a positive influence on your spiritual life, habits, and attitudes and will ensure continued spiritual growth.

Prayerfully consider Bethel Baptist College if you are interested in a Bible-based, Christ-centered, Spirit-controlled ministry. We want to prepare a generation of men and women who will grow mission-minded churches for God’s glory.



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